Advanced Slicing Software
Carima Slicer V2

Convenient slicing software specialized in DLP 3D Printer by Carima

3D Printing Advanced Program
Carima Slicer V2

M\Convenient slicing software specialized 

in DLP 3D Printer by Carima 

Why Carima Slicer V2?

Easy to use for beginner  

Slicing Preview
Enables to check the slicing date via preview function

Automatically generate optimized supporters

Exclusive Software
Ideal for DLP 3D Printer of Carima

Premium Support 
generation & editing
Automatic Generation
The fastest way to support generation for your prints

100% Draggable Supports
Just drag supports and the geometry adapts automatically 

Point, Line Mode
Edit supports more easily in point, line mode.

Advanced EDGE & Surface edits
Edit, resample, delete critical detected surfaces or edges

Quick Mesh Editing & Easy User interface
Mesh Hollowing
Hollow your mesh to save printing material and create a light weight structure 

Lattice Infills
Add perfect lattice infills to get a strong part 

Drainage Holes
Add holes to your hollow parts to lets material flow out easily during printing

Mirroring and Scaling
Easily mirror, scale your supported part including supports. Save your time
Rock soild slice engine
Fault tolerant Slicing
Slice your models quickly and fault tolerant with GPU slicing 

Light Masks
Apply light masks to ensure uniform light intensity at your platform. 

Extreme Slice Sizes
Slicing engine tested up to 8000 x 8000 pixels. 
Other Features
2D Nesting

Irregular shape nesting in 2D 
to maximize build table usage. 
Add Floor Structures

Print multi floor to 
maximize your print output.
Auto Orientation

Auto orient objects minimizing 
downward faces.  
Mesh Error Checking

Automatic error detection 
and advanced diagnosis.   

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