Face Shield FAQ

Face Shield FAQ

Can I choose the frame shield color?
Currently, Carima offers one color. For different color, contact Carima.

What materials are used to print the shield frame?
The shield frame is printed with Carima’s nontoxic CMYK resin. Carima’s CMYK resin, inspected and
certified PII : 0.2, has been classified as ‘Practically Nontoxic.’ For CMYK technical data sheet, click here.

Which type of elastic band is used in the face shield?
Carima uses a silicone elastic band to prevent damage on the skin and for comfortable wear.

Is the face shield reusable?
Under proper cleaning, face shields are usable.

How is the face shield cleaned?
Clean both the shield frame and PET film with soap water or IPA(70).

Is the face shield disposable?
Yes, dispose of each part according to standard procedures.

How do I change the PET film?
When replacing film, remove from one end first.
TIP. When separating the shield frame and film, pull the film slightly sideways and then forwards.

Where can I download the shield frame design file?
Download Carima’s shield frame file through our website.

Where do I contact for face shield?
For face shield and for more information, please contact us at sales@carima.com

Click to Download Face Shield Data : VERSION1   /   VERSION2